Retiring early is a relatively simple problem to solve in theory. Just save 25x your annual spending and you will have accomplished this goal. Easier said than done. The same can be said about other challenges in life such as losing weight or trying to live a happier life. Here are some techniques I have utilized to accelerate my pace to be able to retire early. Minimize Debt Other than my mortgage, I don’t have any other type of debt. No credit card debit, student loans, personal loans, or car loans. I really tried to simplify my life and plow all my savings into money generating assets. There is simply no way around this if I wanted to retire early. I always tell my children: It takes money to make money! The only type of loans I see as acceptable is a mortgage and student loans (within reason). The mortgage will provide a place for me to live in without worry about rent inflation. I would only take on more student loans if it allowed me to get a better job. Otherwis...
Tips and Tricks to Early Retirement