If you have stepped out of your house lately to buy anything, you are probably aware of the crazy price increase in everything. From gas to groceries, nothing has been spared. The current inflation rate is sitting at about 8%. This means any cash that has been sitting in my checking/savings account has less purchasing power. So I have essentially lost 8% of value on the cash sitting in my bank account. This is a big mistake that I should have looked into fixing months ago. I believe I have found the solution to my situation. I Bonds Series I Bonds ( I Bonds) are bonds that are issued by the U.S Department of the Treasury and are considered one of the safest investments that help protect your money from inflation.. Some keys things about I Bonds: Yield adjusted with inflation Can purchase $10,000/year electronically and $5000/year via tax refund. So an individual can purchase $15,000/year Must hold for 1 Year No state or local taxes I actually heard about I Bonds...
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